Precia molenFaqIs Precia Molen committed to sustainable business practices?

Is Precia Molen committed to sustainable business practices?

Precia Molen committed company

Precia Molen is a committed and ethical company. As a major player in the economic area where we have been established from our beginnings, we are fully aware of our social and environmental responsibility.

Therefore, we have chosen to favor short supply circuits for our subcontractors, for raw materials and goods. 

Find out more about our sustainability commitments.

Our Group acts in strict compliance with the law and regulations. In this respect, the fight against corruption, compliance with trade embargoes and the combat against tax havens are invariably integrated into our business activities, particularly on international markets.

Discover all our commitments in terms of ethics and social responsibility.

Finally, Precia Molen respects your rights to privacy, as such, we have taken the necessary precautions to comply with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). See our data protection policy for more information.

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